Recent Changes
This list is intended to keep users informed of the main changes made to each version of Rees as it is released. The latest version available on the Web site will be at the top of the list. For earlier changes refer to the Rees changes archive.
Version: 26-Sep-2024@13:00
( & ( & (6.13 Plumbing World EDI Invoice Import changed to CSV file
(6.1) - Job Lookup (Alt+F2) to show 75 character description
Version: 01-Feb-2024@15:00
(1.11.38) CreditWorks Debtor Detail - added "SalesPerson" @ field 20
(4.11.2) Print Invoice/Cr. Note List - added 'Quote #' to report if: option turned on AND not printing salesperson or first line of invoice
(4.13.15, 16 &17) EDI Invoices to Clients- added "Store#" to EDI export
(13.3) Sales Order List - added Question 'Print Weight on report? Y/N' defaults to 13.14 Question 'Show Weight/Freight on printed sales order? Y/N')
VERSION: 12-Sept-2023@15:00
(1.13) Charge Account Fee / Interest – added - "Charge only clients WITHOUT a Statement email address AND a BALANCE Owing? Y/N N -This option allows a "Postage" charge to be made"
(2.2.6) Import stock take from file - ADDED: 'Add COUNT quantity to Exisitng IN-STOCK qty (If Any)? Y/N'
(3.14) Creditor SetUp added 'In Option 3.2 "Enter Creditor Invoices..." SKIP Cashbook Code field? Y/N'
(6.1) JOb Cost Print "Vehicle Details" if Vehicle set up on job for Job Card and Job Costs
(6.1) Job Cost I)nvoice option; Added: 'S)selectAll, U)nSelectAll' for invoice types L= Selected Schedules -Detail, B= Selected Schedules -Summary, P= Partial detailed, U = Partial Summary
(6.14) SetUp Jobs - Page 1 added 'Allow Schedules to be edited on Job Transactions? Y/N'
(6.14) SetUp Jobs - added page 2 'Show "Vehicle Details" if present on 6.1 page? Y/N')
(10.11.12) "Vehicle transactions for date range" report added
(14.5) Event Log entries added, being menu 3.4 "Edit/Change Creditor Invoices" and menu 3.13.3 "Edit/Delete Unmatched Packing Slips" as type G
Version: 25-Aug-2022@9:00
(3.11.23) New Report "Credtiors Transactions Sorted by Supplier" to allow for easy checking of transaction coding
Version: 19-May-2022@17:00
(1.8) "Import Client Receipts from Bank" - added "ASB Bank FastNet Business - Text File CSV"
(1.13.26) *NEW* “Change Clients Payment Method" to globally change from one payment method to another
(1.14) - added page 3 "Set up email "Subject" line for when emailing Statements", to allow customisation of Email Subject line
(2.1) Added Sales Order "Allocated" quantity to show, Change "B)ackorder" list to show "Allocated"
(2.10.2) "Price Update for: [PlumbingWorld]" ' Update existing items by "Supplier Code"+"Supplier Part No" fields? Y/N'
(5.13.2) "Print EDI P/O Export File Layout"
(5.13.7) Added Job Number - For P/O Import ONLY
(5.14) added Page 3 "Set up email "Subject" line for when emailing Purchase Orders" to allow customisation of Email Subject line
(13.14) added Page 2 "Set up email "Subject" line for when emailing Sales Orders" to allow customisation of Email Subject line
(14.1) Change to wording: 'Server: Login name/email address' and
change ==>
(14.11) Changed menu to "Edit Standard EMAIL body text"
Version: 22-Feb-2022@11:00
(1.13.16) Export Client Data - added "Only Clients added on or after"
(2.13.16) Export Stock Data - added "Only Stock Items added on or after"
(2.14) Stock Setup Options added 'Remove Sales Order Backorder Qty from {F9} "InStock"? Y/N'
(3.13.16) Export Supplier Data - added "Only Suppliers added on or after"
(6.1) Job Quote, “R)eprice" and Q)uote added GROUP, TYPE, SCHEDULE selections and 'Update Cost Price: Y)es, N)o, O)nly cost price'
(14.29) File Statistics - added option 'Show number of DELETED records'
Version: 14-Oct-2021@09:30
(1.14) Debtor Set up options, changed Payment Methods to not allow blank (unassigned) payment methods to be used, to Default back to Client’s original method if valid otherwise use the (1.14) 'Default Payment Method for new clients' if valid finally use '1' Cheque if all other invalid
(2.1) Stock Set up – to show "PO Jobs" i.e Qty on Purchase orders attached to a job
(2.2.21) Reprint Transaction Audit Report (For Receipts only) & (2.11.20) Stock Receipts report – added fields to the report for P/O OurRef & 'By' fields
(3.11.4) Creditors Aged Trial Balance - added option 'Which month(s) BALANCES [0123]
(5.11.6) Outstanding Items Report - added: Include Parts on Order for Jobs. Y)es, N)o or O)nly for jobs? Y/N/O and Print Job Number? Y/N Y
(6.11.1) Job List - added "Selected Department" question
(6.11.13) Employee Times by Activity - added "Sort Report by Employee Name" option
(6.11.14) Employee Times Charged - added sort method to report title; Code or Name sort
(6.11.20) Employee Times by Date - added "Include/Exclude Stock User Group" selection and sort by employee name
(6.11.39) ** NEW REPORT ** "Print Open Jobs Summary by Job Type"
Version: 09-Feb-2021@08:00
(1.1) “Client Set up” & {F6} “Client Lookup” - options "V" & "Z" displays for invoice and quote lines - show 15 characters of stock code (previously 10) and line Value
(1.2) & (1.8) “Client Receipts” - Display warning if <= 0 client balance
(2.11.10) “Price book” - added question 'OR Second Price [0-6]' to enable you to print your client price and retail price on the one report
(2.13.3) “Print Alternate Supplier Details” - Added default Supplier Part number to report
(2.13.9) “Zero Stock Quantities” - added selection option 'Which Supplier [Blank=all suppliers]'
(3.11.10) “Unmatched Packing Slip” - added GST information to allow for easier reconciliation/Journals
(4.1) “Invoice entry” & (13.1) “Sales order entry” - added 'PurchaseOrderImport(^)' option - Notes: P/O items with job number not imported Invoice/SalesOrder => Unit cost comes from purchase order line , Sell price & Disc % come from usual client lookup
(4.11.32) *NEW* Client Quoted V Invoiced Report
(4.14) “Invoice Set up Options” - added page 4 to setup email subject, enabling customisation of your default subject line
(5.14) “Purchase order Set up Options” - added question ['Update 2.1 qty on "Purchases Orders" when ordered for a Job'] *** MUST RUN "2.13.2 Stock Qty Reset" if this setting changed by answering above question N - Stock reorders do not count line p/o items ordered for stock
(6.11.14) “Employee Times Charged report” - added 'Sort report by Employee Name' and ‘Total Time’ column
Version: 15-Jan-2020@16:30
(6.11.38) **NEW report** Print a Range of Job Cards
Version: 15-Jan-2020@8:00
(2.1) Stock Set up, added "PrintBarcode(])" if Bar Code printer installed to enable printing of Bar code.
(2.1) Stock Set up, "ETA Date" display - add Day of Week abbreviated name
(2.8.1) Bill Of Materials Set up - added "T)oCsvFile" to create csv export
(2.8.11) **NEW ** "Import Bills from CSV file"
(2.11.7) Stocktake report - if sort by Group page break for each group question added
(5.1) Purchase Orders, added system document storage '%'
(5.1), (5.15) Purchase Orders Improve event log message for deleted P/O's
(6.1) Job Cost Invoicing - add option "B= Selected Schedules -Summary "
(6.1) Job Cost, added option "O= Move Costs To Another Job"
(6.11.35) WIP – Spreadsheet added Job Date, Department, Job Type, Contact, Last active, Plus memorandum
(6.14) Job Costing Set up Options, Page 2 added ' Allow Job to be closed with NON-Invoiced items? Y/N'
Version: 31-Jul-2019@15:00
(1.11.30) "Sales by Dept by Stock Group/Type" - new reporting option ‘Use Salesman on Client Account’
(1.12.14) * NEW* "Delete Prices for Inactive Clients"
(2.1) "Stock Set up" - to display job number on "p(U)rchase" transactions
(2.11.28) "Stock on uninvoiced Jobs" – new reporting option to select transaction Date range
(2.16.6) "Load Alternate Suppliers from FILE" - added "Allow records with EMPTY "[C]= Supplier Part Number" field in import file? Y/N
(3.1) "Creditor Set up" - added field "Website:"
(5.3) "Create P/O from Recommendation" - Set "By:" field on P/O orders when creating if 5.14 question 'Default to put User/Login name in P/O "By" field? Y/N' == Y
(6.11.4) "Job Status report" - added 'Booked Date: on or after: ' & 'up to: (if Booking Date activated in Job Costing Set up Options (Page 2)
(6.11.20) "Employee Times by Date" - added "Show Summary by day by activity? Y/N:
(6.14) "Job Costing Set Up Options" - page 2 - added "Enter "Booked Date" on 6.1 job screen? Y/N"
Version: 08-Feb-2019@08:30
(2.2.21) Change to all on one line for print to 'F)ile', and added Supplier code to report
(2.2.38) *NEW* "Import stock RECEIPTS from file"
(3.1) Write event log record for Creditor bank a/c detail changes
(14.4) "Printer Font" added question 'Send "Page Mode" Command TO Zebra Printer? Y/N'
Version: 19-Nov-2018@19:00
(2.10.4) "Johnson/Evinrude Bombardier" price file updated
(2.10.7) "Yamaha Price file update" - new text file format
(2.13.6) "Enter preset prices" - allow obsolete stock
(4.11.2) "Print Invoice/Cr.Note List" - Print first line of invoice is selected when 'N' invoice number order selected
(4.13.10) "Import ESTIMATOR & ITM Quote" - don't require "SUBHEAD" line in .csv file for Estimator format
(5.11.4) "P/O Status Report" - Show P/O line description for stock item - not Stock record description
(6.1) Set Up Jobs - added question "Attach a copy of the Job Card as well? Y/N" to '-' email Salesman option
(6.1) added invoice option "L= Selected Schedules -Detail" to Invoice menu for
(14.4) "Printer Font" added question 'Send "Page Mode" Command TO Zebra Printer? Y/N' - This attempts to switch a Zebra bar code printer from "Line Mode" to "Page Mode"
Version: 25-Jun-2018@10:00
(1.8) – added - Import Client Receipts From Bank - the ability to import your Client Receipts from your banking software export file
(7.1), (7.11.3), (7.11.4) & (7.11.7) - show 4 digit date on transactions
Version: 18-Apr-2018@10:30
(1.1) & (3.1) Change Address line 3 to City + PC (Post code) plus & 4 to Country.
(5.11.2) Improve P/O list search criteria to make it easier to find "By" P/O's - using containing search
(2.13.39) added 'Add NEW stock items if not found in Rees? Y/N' to allow updating from supplier price files without adding extra stock items
(6.11.26) added question "New Page for each Department Y/N: N"
(6.15) "Import Labour from a File" - added "Column 9 [I] Line Description (If blank, the Employee description is used)"
(7.11.6) & (7.11.8) add ',' to values to make it readable i.e. 123,456.89
Version: 07-Nov-2017@07:00
(3.14) added "This period End Date is:" DD/YY/MM
(6.11.4) Job Status report - added 'Sort by Job Status? Y/N'
(6.18) Allow jobs with transactions to be closed
Version: 07-Aug-2017@16:00
( added Rocam web export via Command Line - can be scheduled to run from Windows Task Scheduler
(2.1) added 'Pre-Set prices (~)' to see pre-set prices as loaded in (2.13.6) or (2.13.25)
(2.11.20) Stock Receipts - created a save report
(2.13.25) **NEW ** "Load Preset Price Changes from File"
(2.14) 'Lookup "Future" Preset Prices when Pricing? Y/N' added - only appears after "15. Reindex Files" is run - if Y then when getting a price (invoice, quote, sales orders...) using document date will "get" new price if loaded as Preset change
(13.13.1) **NEW** 'Deleted Sales Orders -Current Period’
(14.1) "POSLink EftPos NZ? Y/N: Y VLink Paymark? Y/N: N " added for Verifone EFTPOS Terminals – NB not allowed for Windows XP i.e. Windows 7 or later
(14.1) 'Exclude Checking for Microsoft Outlook Installed' - solves problems on some computers
(14.6) Log the error file when deleted into Event Log (14.5) Type 'Z'
Version: 17-Jul-2017@17:00
(1.12.9) - Add/Update Prices from a Quote - added option to exclude duplicate stock item prices
(11.1), (11.3) & (11.4) - added 'Create Microsoft OutLook e-Mail Distri(B)ution List' if Outlook turned on in 14.1 & Outlook installed on PC
(11.8) *NEW* Supplier Email List (OutLook) – to create Microsoft Outlook Supplier Email Distribution List.
(2.10.7) Yamaha Price Updated
(4.1), (4.4) & (4.6) - added 'N)ext L)ast ' when not Adding an Invoice/Quote/Recurring Invoices
(4.13.21) *NEW* EDI Invoice File From HISTORY
(5.3) Create P/O's - added 'Include Only Supplier User Groupings'
(14.1) added question 'Please close and restart Rees to reload Cached data. Re-Start NOW? Y/N'
(14.1) added 'Use Microsoft Outlook to Send Email? Y/N' - only active when Y if Outlook is installed on PC and Added question "Open & Edit in OutLook? Y/N" when emailing and Outlook to Send Email is set to Y, with an Outlook program on PC.
(14.1) Re-arrange internet section and add default settings for most common ISP's
Allow Copy & Paste Files to compliment Drag & Drop of Files onto Rees
{F2} Key_help() - Press 'D' for Windows "Printers & Devices" control panel - Press 'C' for Windows "Control Panel"
Version: 26-May-2017@16:00
(1.11.5) Client Summary report - tidy up and show ',' to make easier to read.
(2.1) Stock Set up - added "QuotedOnJobs([)" to display transaction of job quotes
(2.2.7) Set selling prices - change default to Y for "Markup Individually" stock items also?"
(2.10.2) Plumbing World Pricebook - change INSnote2 update to show only filename without path
(2.10.16) Chester Pricebook - update for new csv format
(2.11.30) Obsolete Item List Report -added 'Print list of places where item in use? Y/N'
(2.11.48) **NEW Report "Stock Value from History" – enabling you to reprint your stock value for previous 24 months
(2.13.23) Merge Stock - updated to allow TAB or COMMA delimited csv files
(3.11.2) Cheque Register report - added 'Print Transactions? Y/N','For which Creditor/Supplier' & 'Sort By Creditor/Supplier? Y/N'
(3.11.5) Creditor Summary report - tidy up and show ',' to make easier to read.
(6.1) – Job Set up – under Merge Jobs - added "Keep old merged job? Y/N"
(8.11.2) Cheque Register report- added 'Print Transactions? Y/N','For which Creditor/Supplier' & 'Sort By Creditor/Supplier? Y/N'
(13.14) Sales Order Options - added 'Allow sales order to be COMPLETED if not invoiced? Y/N'
(14.26) "Get/Put Files via FTP" default "File Name to Get/Put:" to * - meaning all files available
Version: 24-Feb-2017@17:00
(7.13.36) *NEW* Import Tranaction from file (i.e. Import Journals)
Version: 15-Jan-2017@00:00
(1.1) Client Set Up - added "Usual Job Type"
(1.3) Charge Account Fee / Interest - Write log message (Menu 14.5 – Type U) if A/C Fee not 'START'ed or completed ok.
(4.13.15) & (4.13.17) EDI Invoices - added question "Flag Invoices as Printed? Y/N"
(16) Run Special Program. Added option to download exe file if not found - but only if security rights allow user to do it i.e. has (14.31) access rights
Version: 09-Dec-2016@15:00
(3.13.13) & (8.13.13) Delete Cheque/DC - do not allow deletion of "Payable To" payments
(14.4) 14.4 Printer Font - added "View Printer Properties Dialog? Y/N:" to allow US to view printer properties. i.e. Form type & duplex settings
Version: 25-Nov-2016@12:00
(3.13.10) ITM Supplier Invoices Import - added sort question, & on report: more bold, extra product description and blank lines
(4.1) & (4.4) Can use ` character (key left of 1 on top line) to paste delivery name and address to windows clipboard
(6.1) Added '%' documents folder access to Jobbing
(14.26) Get/Put Files by FTP - added question "Local Folder is Desktop? Y/N" - For TeamViewer files
Version: 31-May-2016@15:00
(1.11.17) Added question 'Show Last Month & Year Sales? Y/N'
(2.10.25) TradeLink (Crane) price update - save/restore "Mark items of supplier omitted from the file as Obsolete? Y/N" setting
(3.1) added option added "PurchaseOrderedIte(M)s" and expanded other descriptions
(5.1), (5.2) Editing P/O enable {Ctrl+S} to display Supplier P/O history (cannot use {F12} as already taken when Sales Order module installed)
(5.14) added "ALWAYS write 'receipted unit cost' back to P/O line? Y/N" & " Save original unit cost to P/O line description (if different)? Y/N"
(13.14) added "Add open sales orders value when Checking credit limit: Y (Applies to adding new sales document only)"
Version: 14-Mar-2016@15:00
(1.1) Added option to send individual email for invoices via 4.11.15 for selected clients
(14.14) Password = Setup - added Page 3 Invoicing: "Add event log record for 4.1 edit of invoice/quote deleted or reduced $value transactions? Y/N"
(14.14) Password = Setup - added Page 4 Job Costing: "Add event log record for "6.1 edit parts & labour" deleted or reduced $value transactions? Y/N"
Version: 13-Dec-2015@15:30
(2.2.15) Write log record if sales data adjusted
(2.11.36) - added "Show last stocktake date for Branch (not company)'
(13.12) New Report "Sales Order Statistics Report"
Version: 23-Sep-2015@13:00
(2.11.23) Top Stock - added fields and selection criteria
(4.4) Quoting - added 'I(M)portClientSpecialPrices ' if client special prices (1.12) activated
(4.11.2) & (4.11.5) - added option "Show first line of Quote on report? Y/N"
(5.2) - altered to respect setting in (5.14) 'Always get P/O Unit Cost from Alternate Supplier Record? Y/N'
(5.13.5) - EDI Invoices - added '*****' to 'Not Posted', & "Date for Job Transaction - leave blank to use invoice date"
(6.11.28) - added "Copy Job Details"
(7.10.2) - added "Print Landscape? Y/N"
Popup search for Jobs {Alt+F2}, Quotes {Shift+F5}, Invoices {Shift+F4} & Sales Orders - added "W)holeDocument" search to search lines on document as well
Version: 13-Jul-2015@15:30
(1.11.20) Stop Credit List report- added questions for over credit limit, overdue client
(1.11.27) No Activity Clients report - remove exclusive use of file requirement
(1.11.30) Sales by Dept by Stock Type/Group - added "New page for each department? Y/N"
(1.14) Client Set Up options - added 'Default Payment Method for new clients'
(2.6.1) Stock Levels by Branch report - show balance of stock description on 2nd line and question "Always Print FULL description? Y/N"
(2.6.7) Branch Re-order Recommendation report - Display "Create Purchase Orders? Y/N" as N if no supplier selected
(2.10.18) Mercury Pricebook import - restore question "Use Old PBP file format?"
(2.11.12) NonActive Stock Item report - allow non-stock to print if including non-stock and not including stock with zero quantity
(2.11.36) Stock without Adjustment report - added "Print Stock Location? Y/N"
(2.13.10) & (2.13.20) Create Price Update File - default now not to zip, added "Create .CSV file? Y/N", (2.13.20) added also "Create ZIP output file? Y/N"
(2.13.24) Export Supplier Data - Added BUT only if no Creditors module
(2.13.39) Add/Load Stock from a File - added "37 [AK]= Freight Volume"
(3.1) Creditor Set up - added question "Print prices on P/O? Y/N:" which only appears if (5.14) question "Print Unit Cost on Purchase Order? Y/N:" and Purchase Order module in use ***** ABOVE CHANGE may require alteration to PO.FRR to actually work for clients *****
(4.13.10) Import Estimator & ITM Quote - added question "If sell prices are in file import them (ITM only)? Y/N Y (if N then the normal client price lookup is done)"
(4.4) - I)nvoice quote - added option to enter client reference & our reference
(4.4) Quoting - added 'I(M)portClientSpecialPrices ' if client special prices (1.12) turned on
(5.1) Purchase Order Set Up - show "Text notes" on bottom of screen
(5.3) Create P/O from Recommendation - default "Show S)tock OR B)ranch Totals (S/B)" to 'B' if Min/Max set by branch
(5.13.16) Export Supplier Data - added BUT only if no Creditors module
(6.1) Job Set up - Job quote pick(S)lip print - added option "Selected Lines Only? Y/N"
(13.14) Sales Order Set Up options - Added "Default to send? Y/N" for emailing
(14.1) Change System Variables - added "Open PDF files in Browser, not default PDF program? Y/N"
(14.1) Change System Variables - added "Server Connect Timeout (millisecsonds)" to allow long server connect timeout when emailing
(14.1) Change System Variables - added 'Write PDF files to desktop sub-folder "ReesPdfs"' to get PDF files in separate folder on desktop
(14.4) Printer Font - added 'PDF File output options' & "Always Set Printer to A4_FORM? Y/N" - duplicated from SETUP page 5
Version: 28-Mar-2015@00:00
(1.1) Client Set up Option '[' for previous statements - setup statement email address as default not general
(1.11.30) added New Page by Department
(2.8.1) Bill of Materials - show full description on material items
(2.10.13) Volvo (Volpower NZ) pricebook - alter to only allow .csv or .txt file selection
(2.13.39) Added "37 [AK]= Freight Volume"
(4.13.10) added "Salesperson for Quote (0= Client setup):"
(4.14) added "Print name on PDF INVOICES? Blank=Default, Y=Yes, N=No"
(5.3) Default "Show S)tock OR B)ranch Totals (S/B)" to 'B' if Min/Max set by branch
(14.4) added "PDF printer Top Margin (in millimetres)" & "Left Margin" - allows setting top, left margin of text on PDF document
Version: 21-Jan-2015@13:00
(3.13.10) - ITM Supplier Invoice Import - Display Creditor alert
(4.14) "How many seconds to display Invoice No." - make the seconds entered the MINIMUM time displayed - no key stroke override.
(14.1) ** NEW ** 'Create attachments in PDF format? Y/N'
(14.1) added 'Use "rees2000" method" for sending emails? Y/N' question
(14.14) page 3 added for entry of cost OPTION to "Display in-line? Y/N"
The ability to press 'Alt+Enter' to move your screen to the maximum possible size. This is the equivalent of a DOS screen where you need to press 'Alt+Tab' to see/move to other open programs. Press Alt+Enter again to restore the screen to the original size.
A left mouse click allows you to select an option.
A right mouse click is the equivalent of pressing the Escape key.
Pressing the wheel on your mouse is the equivalent of pressing the enter key.
The mouse wheel can also be used to move down or up the screen.
Enable "Drag & Drop" to copy&paste multiple files if selected
{Ctrl+Z} = Undo - same as {Ctrl+U}
NEW** Rees PDF writer (see Alt+F12) to create PDF documents from Rees.
Version: 19-Dec-2014@08:30
Added "Choose Font" to "File" system menu
Added "Sales Orders" to Windows Menu and Ctrl+Shift+F4 = Sales Order PopUp
Move Alternate suppliers PopUp to Ctrl+Shift+F9 from Ctrl+F9 so it does not block Ctrl+F9 macro key
VERSION: 26-Nov-2014@08:30
(1.1) Added Order(!) to view sales order header (not line detail)
( added question "Export Quote Text Notes? Y/N" and when Exporting quotes. Respect setting of "Default value for Quotations with Summary Header Sheet Y/N/S"
(4.11.15) added "Which Department( 0= All)”
(5.1) "c(O)py" from Inv, Quo, S/O or Job Quote (when not Get Cost Prices from Quote? =Y - ask question "Get Latest Unit Cost Prices? Y/N"
(6.1) Quotes - print Picking Slip - added questions "Print Text Details? Y/N" and "Print Text Only Lines? Y/N N"
(6.1) 'V' to view parts - added 'InvoiceNo.'
(14.1) added "Wrap long lines printing popup transaction lists N" - default is revert old one line printing
Main Menu - added option "17. Run 'New' Rees program" - only when rees.exe is added to update zip file
VERSION: 20-Aug-2014@10:00
(2.10.41) New Placemakers NZ Price file
(4.14) Page 3 added " On Quotes as well? Y/N" to require order number on quotes
( New Placemakers NZ EDI invoice import added
Added {Ctrl+P} to all function key popups to allow printing
VERSION: 23-Jul-2014@12:30
(1.11.41) new report 'Client Sales by Supplier' Stop asking if special price is to apply for client when running this option Added " Only export if Stock available Y"
2.13.10) & (2.13.20) Client price file - added to "Quotefast" format 8 [H] Price is "Special" & 9 [I] Date special price ends
14.1) allow all emails to have "sender" to be server login email address and copy Rees sender to "ReplyTo" field
VERSION: 03-Jun-2014@09:00
(1.1) added "Allow Duplicate" (order number) if (1.14) page "Check for Duplicate Client Order Numbers? Y/N" = Y
(2.1) added Branch Last Sale and Last Receipt date to 'b(R)anchstock'
(2.11.7, 8, 9) added "Exclude Groups (not include)? Y/N"
(2.11.15) Added "Show Totals for Suppliers"
(2.11.28) added Job status to report
(2.6.7)Added "OR Supplier User Group"
(5.1) Import to P/O added "Selected Lines Only? Y/N" & "Retain Existing P/O Lines? Y/N"
(6.1) Import to quote - added " Selected Lines Only? Y/N"
(6.1) Transfer quote to actual - added " Selected Lines Only? Y/N"
(6.1) Make selected lengths popup automatically if timber/trellis char in description
(6.14) change effect to 'Change job details if Job Type changed' not job description
(6.14) added 'Quote import/transfer - Selected Lines Only? Y/N'
(6.14) added 'Change job description if Job Type changed'
(13.11) Print Outstanding Sale Orders - added branch selection
(13.14) added 'For Stock Type = N "Supply" all? Y/N Y (else zero supplied)’
VERSION: 21-Mar-2014@10.00
(1.12.5 & 6) Print Prices by Client/stock- denote " O= Obsolete or ** OBSOLETE ITEM ** on report
(1.12.7) Export client prices - added options "Include Obsolete Stock [YNO] N (Y= Yes, N= No, O= Only obsolete items)"
(1.12.15) Delete old prices - added option "Delete ALL prices for obsolete stock items [YNO] Y (Y= Yes, N= No, O= Only obsolete items)"
(1.14) Client Set up Options - page 2 added for {F6} display 'Show Mobile Phone No. first
(2.2.1, 3 & 16) Stock Receipts and Stocktakes - Use F12 to enter selected lengths to calculate total - Does not store description of selected lengths Note: if sales orders installed then in 2.2.1 use {F11} as {F12} is already used for showing backorders
(2.2.21) Reprint Transaction Audit Report - Fix data printed for 'R' receipt option - Supplier and transaction details
(2.10.13) Volpower price - update to allow for embedded commas in product description
(2.12.6) Print Special Prices- denote "** OBSOLETE ITEM ** on report
(2.12.7) Export prices - added options "Include Obsolete Stock [YNO] N (Y= Yes, N= No, O= Only obsolete items)"
(2.12.15) Delete old prices - added option "Delete ALL prices for obsolete stock items [YNO] Y (Y= Yes, N= No, O= Only obsolete items)"
(3.11.4) Creditors aged balances - fixed to respect "Include paid transactions? Y/N"
(6.1) Job Set up - Transfer quote to actual - added "Selected Lines Only? Y/N"
(6.1) Job Set up - Import to quote - added "Selected Lines Only? Y/N"
(6.14) Set Up Options - added 'Change job description if Job Type changed'
(6.14) Set Up Options -added 'Quote import/transfer - Selected Lines Only? Y/N'
(13.6) Print Items to Order for Max Stock = 0 - added option ‘Include Stock with a ‘Maximum Stock” to report selections
VERSION: 07-Feb-2014@12:00
(1.12.7) Added Include/Exclude Stock user groups
(1.12.9) Import client special prices from quote - added "Delete any existing prices"
(2.11.27) Negative stock report - added group selection
(2.13.15) Delete used stock - added stock type and stock user group selection
(4.1) When "Start invoice in add mode" set and on "Stop Credit" allow '.'+invoice number
(4.11.4, 5 & 12) Added questions; "Only Quotes that are not Accepted", 'Exclude Quotes that have a "Our Reference" & 'Exclude Quotes that have a "Client Reference"'
(14.15) Security added "Exclude display of "Actual Markup" in 4.1 & 4.4". Works in conjunction with Rees2000 14.14 Setup page 3 'Display "Actual Markup"? Y/N' and allows to not display 'Actual Markup' for some users
VERSION: 13-Jan-2014@13:00
(2.11.27) Negative stock report - added group selection
(2.13.27) **NEW** report added Duplicate Alternate (Bar) code
(2.13.28) **NEW** report Duplicate Supplier part number lists
(2.13.15) Delete used stock - added stock type and stock user group selection
VERSION: 20-Dec-2013@12:00
(3.11.18) Creditor Invoice/PO Receipt Variance report. Added run option "Include variance equal to this minimum?"
(3.11.21) **NEW ** Invoices Matched to P/Slips of a Different Period report.
(5.11.6) - Added Purchase Order Line reference to report
VERSION: 06-Dec-2013@12:00
(2.2.3) Stocktake adjustment transaction - show quantity on jobs and open invoice if not zero.
(2.2.6) Import stock take from file. Added audit report run option "Print stock location? Y/N".
(2.11.28) Stock on Uninvoiced Jobs report. Added run options 'Exclude Closed Jobs? Y/N' and 'A)ll Items, I)ncl in GL or E(x)cl from GL? A/I/X'.
(3.11.18) Creditor Invoice/PO Receipt Variance report. Replaced this report with a new one, for altered functionality.
(4.11.29) Client Summary by Stock Item. Added run option 'Only Unpaid or Part-paid Invoices? Y/N'.
(13.11) Print Outstanding Sale Orders. Added run option "Required Date up to (Blank=All)".
VERSION: 09-Oct-2013@13:00
(1.1) Enable "Store#" field for all Rees users.
(2.11.22) Stock Movements report. Added run option: "Sorted by Location?".
(4.4) Quoting (with a custom Quote document layout). Implemented additional Summary page print options: i) "Print Header page summary totals? Y/N" and ii) an option for only printing the Summary page.
(4.11.29) Client Summary by Stock Item. New report.
(6.1) Job Setup. Print Quote Picking Slip function. Added prompt for whether to sort by stock code or not (default Yes).
VERSION: 10-Sep-2013@16:30
(2.8.1) Bills of Material Set Up. Added a new Import from Quote function
(2.11.28) Stock on Uninvoiced Jobs report. Added run option "Exclude Vehicle Jobs? Y/N" to exclude stock items of vehicle jobs
(2.16.8) Export by Supplier to File. Added this new export option which differs to 2.16.7 Export Alternate Suppliers to File in that it uses the Alternative Supplier file as its primary file rather than using the Stock files as its primary file.
(3.13.10) ITM Supplier Invoices Import. Default the user-entered imported invoice PO number to 1, rather than defaulting to the PO Number in the file for the invoice.
(5.1) Purchase Order Entry. 'Import From' function. Added an option to allow copying of note lines too, and added an option to support no sorting at all of imported job quote lines.
(5.1),(5.2), (5.6), (5.7), (5.8), (5.9), (5.10) PO enquiry options. To these screens added two top right indicator flags to indicate whether the displayed PO has a text note (indicator 'X'), or a specific delivery address (indicator 'Y').
(6.1) Job Setup. 'Merge With job' function. Added an option to append the Description and the Job Note of the other job to the Note of the merge-to job.
(6.11.1) Job List. Changed to write just one detail line per job when the 'File' output option is chosen.
(6.11.21) (Job) Work In Progress report. Added a second section to the report that lists vehicle jobs separately.
(6.11.27) Stock on Work In Progress report. Added run option "Exclude Vehicle Jobs? Y/N"
(13.7) Stock Available by S/O report and Update. Added run options: 'Include Stock User Grouping' and 'Exclude Stock User Grouping'.
Ctrl-L Lookup Supplier Price (for ITM stores). Added 'a(L)ternate' search/filter option
VERSION: 25-Jun-2013@10:30
(1.1) Added client p/o enquiry option "P/O(')s"
(1.2) Printing client receipt to email - default email is statement
(1.11.28) Unpaid invoice list - added client "order number" to report
(4.1), (6.1) & (13.1) Added SHIFT+F12 pop up while in line to show previous invoice lines for currently active stock item
(4.4) Added option to print extra line spacing via SUMMARY:XX in qu.frr where XX is the number of extra blank lines
(5.10) Added client p/o search option
(6.18) Added options to select by Job Status
VERSION: 12-Apr-2013@08:30
(1.13.33) "Duplicate Posted Invoice Check" option added
(1.14) - added page 3 to allow statement messages to be set up - easier for web export
(2.1) - When adding new stock code from Ctrl+L lookup - force calculation of prices 1 - 6
(2.2.24) added question 'Show Net change only? Y/N' to show only one line with total qty variance and value for each stock code
(2.10.18) - Mercury price import - added option to use new csv file format
(3.11.20) - added On Hold invoices totals to report
(4.11.2), (4.11.5),(4.11.7),(4.11,12) - added Include/Exclude client user grouping selection
(14.15) - user maintenance - added: 'User is *NOT ALLOWED* to alter invoice date? Y/N'
VERSION: 24-Jan-2013@16:30
(2.2.21) RePrint Transaction Audit, 2.2.24. StockTake Variance reports. Added a new "Stock item? [YNX]" run option.
(2.8.7) *NEW* Print Bill Materials On Hand.
(2.14) added question "Stop OBSOLETE stock from being sold? Y/N"
(6.11.27) Stock on Work In Progress report. Added a new "Sort by Stock Code? Y/N" run option.
(6.15) *NEW* Import Job Labour from File.
(7.8) added branch offset and department offset information
(13.14) added question 'Show Weight/Freight on printed sales order? Y/N'
Added signature.frr file which contains signature text to be put on bottom of all emails sent
VERSION: 8-Nov-2012@12:00
(14.5) Event Log - Write log record for credit limit change
(14.14) System Configuration. Page 2 Added a new 'Avg cost only?' to support an option to just log changes to the average cost of a stock item (as edited in 2.1 Stock Set Up).
(14.14) System Configuration, Page 4 Job Costing added "Get Cost Prices from Quote? Y/N" uses job quoted cost price in (6.1) Parts entry and when importing into P/O's
(14.27) Set GST rates - added password required to change GST rate
{F8} added creditor user group to display
VERSION: 8-Nov-2012@12:00
(5.1) Purchase Order Set Up- Importing from Job Quote by schedule - added stock code sort by default and added stock code to schedule sort
(5.1) Purchase Order Entry, option c(O)py to import to P/O for Job import and schedules used added question "Which Schedule to Import [0=All]" allows restricting import to selected schedule number only
(5.11.2) Print P/O Order List - added "Selected stock groups? Y/N"
(6.1) Job Set Up - when viewing P/O's via "H= display purcHase orders" can press {enter} on line to display full P/O details
(6.1) Job Set Up, when Printing Job Card, show job number and page number on 2nd and subsequent pages
(6.11.4) Job Status - added 'Show Costs? Y/N'
(6.11.13) Employee Times by Activity - added "Include & Exclude stock user groupings"
(6.11.29). Summary of Transfers to Stock report. 1) Added a new run option, "Split Cost of Parts? Y/N"; and 2) split the processing of the report into two passes to enable the sorting of the jobs into two relevant sections
(7.1) Account Maintenance added P)rint option to print transactions
(7.8) *NEW* G/L Audit Report summarising the General Ledger settings and checks
(7.11.4) Print Batches - added Print error if G/L batch out of balance or there are unposted transactions
(7.11.4) Print Batches - added option "'Show T)ransactions, S)ummary or B)oth'" to see totals posted to each account in a batch
(7.11.7) GST report - added batch summary and added summary of transactions by period and period/batch no printing option
(7.11.13 )*NEW* "Print Batches From History" report
(7.11.20) *NEW* GST previous report
(7.13.5) rebuild totals - no longer require exclusive use of files
(7.14)General Ledger Systems Variables - added 'Show period and batch number on GST report (7.11.7)'
(7.14) - reformatted and added 'Last-Interface-Run' to show date and time of last (7.12.x) interface
(10.8) *NEW* Serial Stock List report
(14.1) Change System Variables - added 'Port to send on (Default 25)' for email
VERSION: 08-Nov-2012@12:00
(1.1) Client Set Up added 2 user defined fields to '@' email address screen
(1.1) Client Set Up - added fields 'Their A/C Code' & 'Edi Format File' to '@' (email) setup for use with EDI export (4.13.15) & (4.13.17)
(1.1 / 1.2) Client Set Up and Client Payments Received now show 'Last-Month' prompt payment discount $xxx.xx if statement prompt payment discount active
(1.2) Client Receipts - At posting to cashbook - allow cancel and return to transaction entry.
(1.11.5) Client Balances Report now displays "Net change excluding Receipts"
(1.12.16) NEW "Pack Client Prices files"
(2.2.30) Price Changes Audit Report - added option to select supplier and show only items that DID NOT have change cost/price
(2.10.25) Crane Price - added question "Update Group & Type for existing parts? Y/N”
(2.11.xx/4.11.xx) Reports - added 'Exclude non-stock items type "X"' to a number of stock reports
(2.11.22/2.6.5, 2.11.28, 2.11.29). Implemented the saving and restoring of report run options for these reports.
(2.11.22/2.6.5) Added a new "Invoice no. to start at" run option for Stock Movements reports
(2.11.33)*NEW* ITM Stock Codes report
(2.11.44) *NEW* Stock with Multi Location report
(2.13.7) Post Preset Prices - Added option to print labels
(2.13.37) *NEW* Load Stock Locations from a file
(4.4) Enter Quotes - Added emailing csv file for quote option 'cs(V)file' to send .csv file to Desktop
(4.7) Run Recurring Invoices - added 'EXCEPT Client User Groups' option to not flag as print selected user groupings
(4.11.1) (Re)Print Invoices/Cr. Notes - added "Do above if "Charge To" client
(4.13.10) Import Estimator and ITM Quote - added options to replace stock description has an email address" so can exclude invoices from printing if charge to is set up to email
(4.13.20) *NEW* Quote Balance Check report
VERSION: 14-Jun-2012@10:00
(1.11.30) Sales by Dept by Stock Group/Type report. Added run option: "Which Salesperson".
(1.11.4) Aged Trial Balance report. Added "Omit Last Receipt details? Y/N" option which caters for the reporting of larger figures in the balance columns of the report.
(1.2) Client Payments Received. Show run totals on batch entry screen.
Invoice Line Sales Reports (2.11.16/2.6.10, 2.11.17, 2.11.18/2.6.6). Added the saving and restoring of report run options for these reports.
(2.13.39) Add/Edit Stock from a File. Added run option: "Same cost updates 'Last Cost Chg' Date? Y/N"
(2.2.3) Enter Stock Take Quantities and (2.14) Stock Set Up options. Added a new "Record stocktake when qty onhand remains 0?" config. setting to switch on the recording, when stock taking (in 2.2.3), that a stock-take has beem made for an item that before the stock take had a zero qty, and was counted the same (zero) in the stock-take. [Previously no zero qty adjustment tran. was ever recorded, nor the last stock-take date updated, in such a case].
(2.2.5) Stock transfers, (2.2.23) Branch transferd from file. Changed so that the "Last Received" date on transfer to branch is updated.
(4.11.22) Sales Time of Day Statistics report. Added this new report.
(6.1) Job Set Up and (6.11.3) Selected Job Costs report. Added reporting option (print) "Summary By G)roup T)ype B)oth N)one" when printing job costs.
(7.12) G/L Interfaces. Added screen capture of the run options chosen to the (14.5) Event Log record of the interface run.
(13.1) Sales Order Entry and (13.14) Sales Order Setup. Added a new "Always default invoice emailing to 'N'?" config. setting to provide some control of the default invoice Email? setting in (13.1) Sales Order Entry.
(13.11) Oustanding Sales Orders report. Added margin % column and split the item description over two lines if it's greater than 40 characters long.
(14.1) Change System Variables. Enhanced the layout of this screen for better readibility. System passwords (for systems without the security module) are now separately displayed on a new page 2.
(14.9) Show logged on Workstations. Added option "** Print List **" to print the list of workstations shown to be logged on.
Window F)ile menu. Added menu option: "Screen to Bitmap file" which creates a "bitmap" (.bmp) image file of the current Rees2000 screen on the desktop, the file name is the text of the title of the window.
Window F)ile menu. Added menu option "Send Screen Image to Rees" which sends a "bitmap" (.bmp) image file of the current Rees2000 screen to Rees Software (via the internet and FTP to
{F8} Supplier/Creditor List. Added a "U)ser" user grouping search option.
{F9} Stock List. Added an "I)TM" hierarchy search option [available when ITM options are active].
VERSION: 11-Apr-2012@16:00
(3.1), (3.11.10), (3.11.18),(5.1), (5.2) Creditor packing slip display and/or print options. Show additional info in the header section of the Packing Slip report for a 5.4. Additional Costs PO receipt.
(6.1) Job Set Up. Added an option to Exclude Type ‘X’ stock items from Printing on Job Picking Slips. The default for which can be set via a new set up option of (6.14) Job Costing - Set up Options.
(11.1) Letter Writer - added option "Which Month Balance: F= Clients with balance < 0".
(14.5) Print Event Log - added "Text to search for".
VERSION: 26-Mar-2012@08:30
2.10.13 - Volvo (Volpower NZ) Price File Import - only update the supplier superseded code if something in field 2
3.2 - Creditor Invoices/Credits Entry - verify cashbook/general ledger codes after entry to ensure no invalid codes allowed.
VERSION: 23-Feb-2012@12:00
(1.12.15) –Client Prices – Deleting - added option for selected client
(2.2.21) – Reprint Transaction Audit Report - added stock group selection and "Use supplier code on transaction file NOT stock file?".
(2.10.25) Crane Distributors price import updated to remove discount column
(2.11.28) Stock on Uninvoiced Jobs Report. Enhancements: Added report run options: "Sort by stock type?" and "Summary by stock type only?" and "Sort by stock group?" and "Summary by stock group only?"
(2.11.36) Stock Without Adjustment Report. Added filtering option "Exclude stock with no stock quantities? Y/N".
(2.14) Stock Setup. Added a new "In QUOTES Cost of Sales is at Latest Cost? Y/N"
(4.11.15) e-Mail Invoices to clients. Modified for a new option to email to the Charge To client.
(5.1) Purchase Order Set Up. Changed so that when emailing a PO, if multiple copies are requested, then only 1 copy is emailed and the other copies are printed.
( Added CRANE Distribution import EDI invoices
(6.1) Alter "Copy quote from another job" to allow multiplying quantities
(7.1) G/L added option on transaction display to press enter on Creditor transaction to see packing slip - REQUIRES "Keep a list of UnMatched PackingSlips" ==> Y set in (5.14)
(13.1) - Sales order invoicing. Change default for "Email? Y/N:" to email if client has an email address in their ‘Invoice Email’ field in their client setup (1.1)
Laser label printing options: 1.11.6 Statement Labels, 1.11.7 Mailing Labels, 2.11.39 Shelf Labels, 3.11.12 Mailing Labels. Enhancement: Support new standard size sheets of laser labels (8x2 labels per A4 page).
For earlier changes refer to the Rees changes archive.