Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started

Go into 1.1 (Debtors Module, Set up Clients) and enter an appropriate code for your new client. A window will appear with a list of existing client codes near the new one entered, press the space bar to add this as a new code and enter the fields required or select the correct code to change the details for an existing client. It is best to complete as many fields as possible, as you will find this useful at a later stage.

If you are adding more than one new client, we recommend that you change the mode from Changing to Adding when you are at the client code field, by typing `+'.

Exactly the same as for new clients, except that you are in section 2.1 (Stock Module, Set up Stock).

Exactly the same as for new clients, except that you are in section 3.1 (Creditors Module, Maintain Creditors).

Go to 8.1 (Cashbook, Maintain Cashbook Codes). Enter the Cashbook number you wish to use and you will be taken directly to this number. Enter `C' to add a description and other required details. Note: Don't change the description if it has already been used (you will be able to see if this is the case by the Purchases or Receipts information shown on the screen).


Firstly, we recommend that you have a `client' called `Cash Sales'. Once this client has been added, go into 4.1 and enter the Cash Sales code; process the invoice as required.

When you enter `P' to print the invoice, a window will open asking for the amount paid and the payment type. You can press Shift-F1 to display the payment methods. If the client is paying with a combination of methods, enter `0' and enter the quantities in each method as appropriate.

The same way as you enter an invoice, only enter a negative quantity in the quantity field. The monetary amount will automatically show as a negative value.

If you have chosen to keep your invoices `open', they will not be added to the client's balance until you post them to the client's account.

Areas, salespersons, discount groups etc are provided for management reporting and analysis of your business. These features are a standard part of ReesEasy; however, if you choose not to use these features you are able to have them all defaulting to a value of 1. Note that until you add a description for each area, salesperson etc you wish to use, ReesEasy will beep to alert you to the fact that the value is not in use. If you do not wish to use these analysis options, it is best to enter a `.' in number one of each analysis field.

We recommend that you always set up stock in groups.

You receipt clients' payments via 1.2 (Client Payments Received). Enter a batch name, then the client code, receipt date, reference number, amount etc. The payment methods can be displayed by pressing Shift-F1.

If you are using open-item Debtors, after you have entered the details a window will open showing all outstanding invoices and unmatched credit notes. ReesEasy will automatically match the oldest invoices as paid for the total of the payment; however you can easily change this by entering zero next to the invoices which haven't been paid, and then entering the amounts paid next to the invoices which are actually being paid. When you have matched the payment to the invoices, the base of the screen will show that there is zero to allocate: then press Escape, then F for File. Continue with the next payment.

If you leave a payment amount unallocated, i.e. not matched to the appropriate invoice, then the amount will be carried forward at your next period end as a Balance Forward. Follow the directions above on receipting a client's account.

Enter a negative (-) receipt to the same debtor for the same amount to reverse the receipt out, then post the receipt to the correct debtor.

When you enter a credit, you should match the credit to an invoice, so that they clear or reduce that invoice from being owed by the client. If you haven't done this, go into 1.2 (Client Payments Received) and enter the client code in a batch, in the amount field enter 0.00, and in the payment method field enter 9. When the invoices are displayed, enter a negative payment beside Credit Note, then a payment for the same amount as the credit beside the appropriate invoice(s). When you have matched the total credits to invoices, the bottom of the screen will show that you have allocated 0.00 and have yet to allocate 0.00; press Escape, then F for File.

You may have unposted invoices. Go into 4.12 (Add Invoices to Client Statements). Post all invoices up until the end of the month you have just completed. When you have completed this, run an unposted invoice list from 4.3 with the date range 01/01/60 to 31/12/59 to ensure all invoices on this list are meant to be unposted at month end.

Re-enter the same amount in Hand-written Invoices, except with a negative (-) to reverse the transaction, then enter another Hand Written Invoice for the correct amount. This applies to Hand Written Credits as well.

Print an Invoice List for Unposted Invoices (4.3), with the date range of 01/01/60 to 31/12/59. This will print all unposted invoices, thereby finding any unusual invoice dates. Change any incorrect dates via 4.1 (Enter Invoices), then post as required.

If you have your system set up so that you have the option of posting your invoices, then you can enter invoices for the next month. However, it is important that you don't post these invoices until after your period end, otherwise they will appear on your client's statement and in your sales reports.

The same way as an invoice (4.1), except that the quantity will be negative.

If you have under- or over-charged a client for a product, then the easiest way to correct this error is to enter an invoice (4.1) for the client which exactly reverses the charge made to the client in error, then on the same invoice re-enter the correct charge. Note: The net effect on stock is nil; the under- or over-charge is the difference between the reversal and the recharge, hence the amount of the invoice/credit.

All credits appear in the current month, unless they are matched to a specific number. When you process a credit note you are asked in the last window for the invoice number that the credit relates to; you should enter an invoice number here to ensure that the credit is matched correctly.

If you have stock set up as `N' for (Not a) Stock Item, then this item will not appear on your reports. Non-stock items are for stock codes such as Labour, Discount, Travel, Mileage, Freight etc.

ReesEasy calculates each stock unit's average price by the true weighted average. This is updated every time you receive stock into the system or sell it.

This feature can be used in numerous ways, such as setting up standard disclaimers, standard terms of trade etc, or for manufacturing several stock items into one item -- e.g. butter, flour, yeast, salt, and water into bread. The Bill of Materials will provide you with the cost of the item made, and how to make the item. You can then use this feature to maKe (K) the item; this will reduce the quantities of all the stock items making up the new item, and place the number of items made into stock.

A Stock Group is used for identifying stock which is similar, and which would usually have the same markups, e.g. nuts and bolts.

A Stock Type is used to identify various types or categories within a Stock Group -- e.g. 2 ", 3 " etc, or Mitre 10, Placemakers, Carters etc.

A Stock Discount Group is used to create a matrix of discounts for each client discount group -- e.g. 1 for Timber, 2 for Hardware. You need to have a different Stock Discount Group for every stock item that has a different discount rate applying to it.

Note: You can now mark up stock by Stock Group, Stock Type, or Stock Discount Group.

Do a Summary invoice for the amount quoted. When the invoice window pops up, either enter the job as being closed, or change the job status to closed. The under-quote or over-quote will go to the stock code you have selected in your Job Cost setup (6.14), and the net result of this stock code for the year will be what you have under- or over-quoted.

Hand-written invoices and hand-written credits are not included in your stock reports, whereas they do appear in your Debtor Reports.

Linked stock has been designed to allow you to buy by the tonne and sell by the kilo. To do this you create two stock codes being say; Tonne and Kilo. You purchase order by the tonne so the Tonne is set up as a stock item under Stock Set Up (Menu Option 2.1). As you sell by the kilo the Kilo is set up as a non-stock item under Stock Set Up.

To use the linked stock function, you need to select Yes to the question, 'Use Linked Stock?' under the main setup (14.14 password = 'setup'), this question is found in the stock section.

When this setting has been selected, go to your kilo stock code under Stock Set Up, there will be two extra fields at the base of the page, being: 'Linked to Stock' and 'conversion factor'. Under the Kilo stock code, enter in the 'linked to stock' field the code Tonne (NB you can only access this field, if the stock code you are in is a non-stock item), in the 'conversion factor' field enter the conversion from tonnes to kilos i.e. 1/1000 = 0.001.

Now when you do a purchase order, or receipt for Tonne, the kilo code will show 1000 times that quantity, i.e. a stock receipt of two Tonne will show as 2000 Kilo's in the Kilo stock code.

You can invoice clients using either Tonne or Kilo stock codes as required, however you order using the Tonne, as this is how your supplier ships the product to you.

The Kilo is a non-stock item, to prevent the two stock items being double counted in stocktakes, stock values etc.


Your opening Cashbook balance is your bank balance at the date you wish to start using the Cashbook, less any unpresented cheques outstanding on that day, plus any unlodged deposits.

Once you have established the opening balance, you need to enter this in section 8.14 (Setup Options). If the opening balance is in overdraft, you will need to enter a negative in front of the total. Enter the same total in both period and year fields.

After you have done this, you will need to load your initial unpresented cheques in section 8.13.6 (Initial Unpresented cheque Setup), and your unlodged deposits in section 8.5 (Enter Unpresented Deposits). Then run the report 8.11.5 (Cashbook Summary) and check that your bank balance is the same as the opening balance on the bank statement you wish to start with, prior to making any entries in the Cashbook.

If you are using the General Ledger module, we strongly recommend that you perform a General Ledger Interface of your Cashbook after establishing your opening balances on the system and prior to imputing your current period's transactions.

In section 3.3 (Make Payments to Creditors), you can select which invoices you wish to pay to a creditor, and the amount of those invoices. Alternatively, you can place on hold those invoices which you don't wish to pay, in sections 3.1 (Maintain Creditors) and 3.4 (Edit Transactions).

Remember that you can enter 0 beside any invoice you don't wish to pay.

This will stop you from paying this invoice or creditor (depending on whether an invoice or the whole creditor was placed on hold) until you have released the hold feature. This avoids having to remember each invoice you don't wish to pay due to an overcharge or similar.

You can place a creditor on hold when you are entering an invoice in section 3.2 (Enter Invoices/Credits), by entering Y in the hold field. Or you can place one or more invoices on hold in section 3.1 (Maintain Creditors), by entering the creditor code and selecting O for hold. You are then asked if you would like to change the hold flag for this creditor -- if you answer Y, you will place the whole creditor account on hold (or if it is already on hold, you will take it off hold). If you enter N, you will be taken to a screen showing you all unpaid transactions -- enter a Y beside all invoices you wish to place on hold. These will remain on hold until you change the Y to N.

You enter credit notes the same way as you enter credit invoices, in section 3.2 (Enter Invoices/Credits), except that the amount is negative.

On the first day of a new month, perform a Creditors Period End (section 3.15). This will result in your current period (0) being for all this month's invoices, and period 1 being for any invoices that need processing for the previous calendar month. This way you should never have a problem with unprocessed invoices.

If an invoice is in the current period, or it is unpaid, it will appear under Transactions; when an invoice has been paid, it will appear in History.

When paying by direct credit you should present the direct credit at the same time, with the date being today's date, as you will be processing this with your banking software to be paid today. However, if you are doing a DC for processing to the bank at a future date, you may wish to leave the DC as unpresented and then present it on the actual day of payment.

First, find out the cheque number you entered into the system in error -- look in section 8.4 (Maintain Creditors), or in section 3.1 (Maintain Creditors) under Cheques.

Go into section 8.2 (Enter Non-creditor Payments/Receipts), and enter the creditor code, date etc. In the amount field, enter the amount you paid as a negative amount (e.g. -150.00). cheque `Y'es, description `to reverse for incorrect cheque number'. Change the cheque number to equal the same cheque as was incorrectly used when paying this creditor, and present this cheque.

Enter the creditor code again (in non-creditor payment batch) and process as above, only with a positive amount (e.g. 150.00), cheque `Y'es. Enter the correct cheque number when required. Ensure that you have used the same Cashbook code as the previous negative payment.

Then (to ensure your Cashbook balances), go into Present Cheques and present the first cheque that you originally processed incorrectly.

The end result should be that the first cheque number (the incorrect one) has been processed as both a positive and a negative amount (of the same size), and both have been presented -- the net effect is zero; and the correct cheque number has been processed against the correct creditor. You can check this under 3.1 or 8.4 Maintain Creditors, Q for Cheques.

OR: Delete the cheque under main option 8.13.13 or 3.13.13.

When you enter creditor invoices, you can analyse the total to several Cashbook codes (or General Ledger codes, if you have this module). In the main Setup, you are asked if you wish to be able to `Code to multiple Cashbook codes' -- answer Y to this question. Note: This option is only accessible from the main SETUP found under Main Option 14.14, password = SETUP.

Use section 8.12 (Enter Cheques).

If you have used the same cheque number twice, you will need to present both portions of the cheque, e.g. the $40 and $60 parts in the example above.

In section 8.3 (Present Cheques), enter the cheque number to present. The amount of the first portion of the cheque will display; press `P' to present it. Then enter the cheque number again; it will show as presented. Enter `N' for Next, and you will be taken to the second portion of the cheque; enter `P' to present it. Continue as required until all parts of the cheque are presented.

1. Check that your previous bank reconciliation balanced when it was completed.

2. Recheck all entries that you made:

a. that all income is recorded as a receipt in section 8.2 (Non-cheque/DC Payments/Receipts)

b. that all non-creditor payments have been entered in section 8.2 (Non-cheque/DC Payments/Receipts), and not as cheques

c. that all non-creditor cheques and direct credits have been entered in section 8.12 (Enter Cheques/DCs)

d. that all payments have been entered in a payments batch, not a receipts batch

e. that all cheques and direct credits on the bank statement have been presented, and are the same amount on your system as on the bank statement

f. that all receipts you have entered appear on the bank statement (otherwise they are unpresented deposits).

3. If you are still unable to balance, check that your closing statement from last time you balanced is the opening bank balance for the statement you are doing -- you may have a page missing.

4. If you are still unable to balance and your bank statement is more than your Cashbook total, you may have presented a cheque in error (i.e. one that has not actually been presented at the bank). To find this, work out the difference between the bank statement and your Cashbook total. Then go to Cashbook Reports and print a list of cheques that have been presented. Look for the amount that your balance is out by.

5. If you have paid some creditors via direct credit, check that this DC is on your bank statement.

6. If you still cannot balance, start this checklist again, until you find your error.

Firstly, you need to be aware of what you need to achieve:

1. your bank reconciliation to balance

2. your Debtors banking figure -- ex Cashbook -- to be correct

3. your Debtors balance to be increased by the value of the bounced cheque, as you didn't receive the payment you receipted off the debtor's account (if using a Debtors system).

Firstly, the Cashbook. Enter the amount of the bounced cheque in your receipt batch (8.2), as a negative receipt. This will reduce your bank balance, therefore making your reconciliation balance. It will also correct the Cashbook figure of Debtors banking.

Then go into section 1.2 (Client Payments Received). You need to enter a negative payment received here, to bring the debtor's account balance back to what he/she actually still owes you.

Note: At the end of every month, the debtor's banking in the Cashbook should equal the Client Payments Received in Debtors. Otherwise you have credited a debtor's account for money you did not actually receive, or banked money from a debtor and not reduced this amount accordingly.

Example: You have a creditor cheque written out for $60, but it was processed as $50 (which is what you actually owed).

After you establish that the cheque was written out for $60 instead of $50 in error (i.e. it was not a bank error), you need to process a payment to the creditor for the extra $10 to the same cheque number that you used. If you actually owe the creditor money, i.e. at least $10, then you are OK; however, if you do not actually owe them more than the $50 processed, you are not able to process a payment when there is no money owing.

So, you need to enter a creditor batch in section 3.2 (Enter Creditor Invoices/Credits) and enter a `dummy' invoice for the amount you need to pay. You will also need to enter `dummy' credit for the exact amount. These two entries need to be coded to the same place, with N for GST. The net result of this is zero.

Then you need to make a creditor payment through 3.3 (Make Payments to Creditors) for the $10, even though their balance says nil owing, as there are two entries unpaid -- one invoice, and one credit note.

This will let you pay the invoice of $10, using the same cheque number as before. You will need to go into the Cashbook (8.3, Present/Delete Cheques) and present both portions of the cheque, i.e. the $50 and the $10. Present one, then call the same cheque up again -- enter `N' for Next and it will show you the second payment with the same cheque number; present that as well. Now your bank reconciliation should balance, and your creditor's account should also be correct.

Example: You processed a cheque for $100, but wrote the cheque out for $90.

The creditor's account needs to be increased by $10; the bank balance needs to be decreased by $10.

In the Creditors module, through 3.2 (Enter Creditor Invoices/Credits), process a `dummy' invoice to the creditor for the $10 underpaid.

In section 8.2 (Enter Non-creditor Payments/Receipts), enter in a negative batch and payment for the creditor code used above, for the same amount as the `dummy' invoice. Use the same Cashbook code as you did above, cheque `Yes', and use the same cheque number as before.

Finally, present both portions of the cheque, i.e. the $100 and the -$10.

Now the creditor balance has increased by the underpaid amount, the Cashbook reconciles with your bank balance, and the dummy invoice and the negative cheque contra to nil.

You can delete the cheque under main option 8.13.13 or 3.13.13.

You need to ensure that your GST section is set up for the correct basis. Refer to your GST return for the correct basis for your firm.

Payments basis: This calculates your GST return according to what you have received into your Cashbook (bank) and what you have paid out of your Cashbook. Therefore, for every receipt or payment you enter through the Cashbook, you must indicate the amount of GST on the deposit; this will then put the transaction in the GST module. Any payments you make via Creditors will also take the GST on the invoices you have paid, and enter this as a GST transaction in your GST module. At the end of your GST period, print out your GST Summary and Transaction report, then perform your GST Period End update.

Invoice basis: This method calculates your GST according to what you charge out to clients and what you owe your creditors, regardless of whether you have been paid by the client or have paid the supplier. ReesEasy will calculate the GST on your invoices for the period, and will enter this in your GST module when you perform your Debtors Period End update. GST on supplier/creditor invoices is added to the GST module at the Creditors Period End update. Non-creditor payments or receipts entered in the Cashbook that are not from your Debtors banking, but that are subject to GST, must be entered into the Cashbook with the GST module at your Cashbook Period End.

It is important that you do not enter your Debtor receipts into your Cashbook with a GST amount in the GST column, as the GST has already been calculated on these via the Debtors module. At the end of your GST period you may need to keep your GST module open for a few days in the next period, to ensure that you pick up the supplier invoices that often arrive in the first week of the new month. If you choose to do this you will not be able to do your Creditor Period End, or perform any Cashbook transactions for the new period, until these invoices have been entered.

If you need to prepay a creditor, or have overpaid more than is owed to a creditor. Under 3.2 Enter Creditor Invoices/Credits, against the creditor enter a dummy invoice and a dummy credit for the amount prepaid/overpaid. Code both transactions to the same cashbook/general Ledger code. Pay the creditor as normal, ensuring that the dummy invoice is included in the paid amount, but not the dummy credit. This will leave the creditor with a credit balance.

If the credit balance is later refunded, when you receive the refund go into the creditor payment section (3.3 or 3.1 – a for Pay) and pay the dummy credit – this will create a dummy credit payment. Present this payment when it appears on the bank statement. (NB We recommend that you always bank non-debtor receipts separately to other payments received.)

When a purchase order is received the goods go into stock, you can; with setting the option under 3.14 Creditors Setup Options; select to also enter the creditor invoice into the system at the same time using the purchase order receipt screen. However if you don't have the invoice or choose not to use this option when a purchase order is receipted the system automatically creates an unmatched packing slip against the creditor (supplier) for the amount of the goods/services received.

When the creditor invoice is received, you should match the invoice to the unmatched packing slip in Rees. To do this you have select options, but the most commonly used is to enter the creditor in 3.2 Enter Invoices/Credits and enter a number, say 1, in the PO field, this will bring up all the unmatched packing slips for this supplier. You should be able to match the invoice to the packing slip concerned with no dollar difference. If the amount of the packing slip varies from that on the invoice, look at the order under 3.11.10 to investigate were the variance lies. Correct the stock cost, etc as necessary when you have established whether the creditor invoice or the packing slip was the correct record.

To cancel a cheque or delete an existing cheque that was entered incorrectly, follow the exact steps you did to enter the cheque in section 8.12 (Enter Cheques); except enter the amount as a negative in the total column.. Make sure you enter the same Cashbook code, and specify the payment as a cheque payment with the same cheque number as before. Then present both portions of the cheque, i.e. the positive and negative cheque amounts, in section 8.3 (Present Cheques). This will not affect your bank balance, as the two amounts will cancel each other out.

i.e A client's account has a credit balance of $100, under 1.2 Client Payments Received, in a batch, enter the client's code, and in the amount field under $-100.00, if you are refunding the money from cash in your till, enter pay method 2 – Cash, if refunded by Cheque, pay method 9 Other. If the client you wish to refund does not have a credit balance, then most likely you have no entered the client's credit note for returned goods etc under 4.1 Enter Invoices/Credits. If the client refund is by cheque and you are using the Cashbook module, process the cheque under 8.12 Enter Cheques/DCs ensure the cheque is coded to the same cashbook code as your normal debtor's bankings (usually Cashbook code 1).

General Questions

In each module there is a Set-up option (number 14) which allows you to customize the module.

Also, from option 14:14. You will find a whole range of options that allow you to customize REES. These can only be changed when no other users are in the system. Some care is also required in making changes here as it can fundamentally change the way that the system operates - It is recommended that changes in this area are only done in consultation with Rees Software & Systems Ltd.

Rees uses the 'Windows' Printer system for all output. It will automatically default to print to the default 'Windows' printer each time the printer is started. You may then select other installed 'windows' printers by pressing {ALT+F12}or selecting Printer options under the lookup tab using the mouse.

If you are using a Dot Matrix printer then you must have '(E)' for Epson emulation or '(I)' for IBM graphics mode in the windows printer name. Refer to our 'Technical Printer Support Issues" page for more information on these issues.

Also check the paper setting in 4.14 (Invoicing). Check the settings relating to pre-printed names on invoices, and length of invoice paper, especially if using MSL or Southmark stationery.

Yes, there are a large number of reports available, and not all these reports will be necessary for your company. What we suggest is that you print each of these reports at the end of your first month with Rees, and see for yourself which reports you find useful and which you do not. It is up to you what you do or don't print every month; however, most reports (e.g. Client Sales) will not be available to give you the same information after you have performed a Period End.

The checklists have been created as a guideline for you; you can print as many or as few of these reports as required. However many of them will not be available for printing should you require them at a later stage; therefore we urge you to be careful in selecting the reports you don't wish to print. For example, if you are required to produce the Aged Trial Balance for the bank each month, and you don't print it at the time of your period end, then when you do print the report you will find that this month's receipts and invoices are also included and that your ageing is wrong (e.g. the current sales are now in month one).